Saturday, June 23, 2018


I see that we are “occupied by our thoughts” and, depending on where they “come from,” we are just this side of absolutely insane, having created and now living in a world which is seen as “normal.” If I were a “proper Christian” with a particular Christian point of view, I would rightfully say that “the world is evil and the devil rules.” It would even seem, given the ground of being of a President who uses mind control by constantly interjecting his own sick and insane thoughts to create a mindset and a direction and a confusion (a “direction of confusion and divisiveness”) and instructs his circle also to do this, that what the Christians call Antichrist is quite alive and well and very active in the minds of the masses and the elite in this country and also throughout the world. The sane and the holy are diminished, while the insane and the unholy are becoming rampant. Witness not only Trump’s followers but 92% of the Republican Party itself at a recent count. Minds—and souls—are being subverted by evil. People have not learned as children how to be humane and sane in their humanness, and to behave with a sense of self-respect and respect of others, with a self-controlling sense of basic morality. Michael Novak, in Belief and Unbelief, touches on this: “As Aristotle remarks, unless a man is in his youth taught to feel correctly pleasure and pain, and shame and pride, he will not even have the data for correct moral judgment of the noble and the ignoble; he will never have tasted the one, nor have been taught to recognize the other” (64).          
          Stupidity-as-normal and hate-as-normal are a most dangerous mix, and not specific to either right-wing or left-wing. The normalizing of such ignorance and its repetition that acts to brainwash whole populations is most dangerous indeed. And propagandists both feed and fan fires of stupidity and hatred, unleashing violence upon us through both the masses and the elite. It has probably always been like this throughout human history with the difference being that now we have instant worldwide web and instant technological weaponry, the perfect mix for profound destruction and death.
          I don’t see that great numbers of people will necessarily “come around” at this point; this is surely not the norm. After the social fabric was all but destroyed in “the Terror” of the French Revolution, after the best were guillotined, most realized that it was again time for national order and safety for all. I hope Americans have enough basic sanity to realize what is going on and make the necessary changes without resorting to extremes that escalate, creating their own infernos that burn everything to the ground. I don’t see that “public education” will affect those who make themselves “blind followers.” However, I am of the belief that large number of people are capable of “seeing the light,” as it were, of having the cover pulled from their eyes. In the meantime, I for one can do what I can do. For me that translates as writing and sharing what I write as best I can, but perhaps more to the point, observing myself and the “thoughts that occupy me and thus direct my actions” through my personal practice of zazen. To be able to see oneself is to be able to see how oneself is in the world, and what one contributes to or detracts from existence as a whole on the planet. We each make it better or worse—for ourselves and everyone else.


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