My life has been tempered by numerous experiences
of “the other side(s).”
I begin by listing events with approximate
age. I am now in my mid-70s.
I should note that there was no use of drugs
in these occurrences.
1. Ghost, age 6-7. A man who had hung himself in
what was my bedroom approximately 6 months to a year before my parents bought
the house, appeared materially to me initially but because I was so frightened
by his appearance, changed to more a ghost-like foggy figure and visited me
regularly for more than a year, almost every night. There was a record of a
news article in the Times-Union of such a suicide at the address of my home.
2. Ghost, age 10. After my grandfather died, I
saw him the next morning puttering around in his garden in his backyard. I was
looking out a second-story window. I found fresh footprints from his Italian
rattan pointed shoes in the fresh dirt of the garden.
3. Ghosts, age 16. My girlfriend lived in a
refurbished old 17th century schoolhouse in which the children and
teacher had taken refuge in the cellar from the local Indians. They had planned
on escaping through a tunnel with a trap door. The Indians, however, came in
through the tunnel and killed them all. From the first floor above the small
door in the floor that led down a ladder into the cellar, I heard furniture
being moved and children’s frightened voices. When we opened the door into the
cellar, it was untouched and empty.
4. Demon, age 18. When I was in college I was
interested in “black magic” and wanted to “conjure” a demon. With several
witnesses present, I performed a “black mass” in my dorm room and a demon did
appear, looking rather like a child-sized black cat with a human face and red
5. Past Life, age 20. I lived in an apartment in
my later college years. This event began with a repeated dream that unfolded
over seven nights. It occurred in 18th century Ireland (1728 appears
on a gravestone with my Irish name engraved on it). I am in a gravelike hole
with a heavy door on top of me with an iron grating through which I can see out
of the hole. People are throwing rocks down upon the door, crushing me (which
is how male witches were dealt with at the time—which was repeated in the Salem
witch trials which occurred a bit North of where I was living). The same woman
appears in each dream, standing above the hole and looking disapprovingly down
at me with a steady gaze. On the eight day I am going down the stairs from my
apartment and see that the new tenant who has moved in is the SAME WOMAN as in
my dreams! However, I do not make the connection, having no belief or awareness
of anything such as past lives. The woman stops when she sees me, smiles, and
says, “Seamus, it’s been a long time.” I have no idea (at the time) what she is
talking about. But more awareness does come to me in due time.
6. Past Life, age 22. I am attending a music
festival in the wheatfields of Sussex, England, with a British friend whose
house in am staying at in St. John’s Wood in London. There is a crowd of
thousands of young people pushing and straining at the entrance to the
festival, which is a large area surrounded by a high wire fence with uniformed
security guards located along the fence and high towers with spotlights. It is
dusk and the gate is now opening and the crowd is pressing forward. Suddenly
the blinding floodlights on the towers shine upon the crowd, moving over the
crowd. When the light hits me, I freeze in terror, as if I am going to die in
that moment. Through the dust cloud enveloping me, I see people with shaved
heads, wearing rags, some with yellow and black stripes all around me. My
stomach is sucked in; I am ravenous with hunger. I am afraid and confused.
Then, just as suddenly, I am back in the crowd of young people. This experience
happens one more time when the spotlight shines on me again. This time I
realize that I have had a flashback to my past life as a Jew in a concentration
camp. More reveals itself to me in due time.
7. UFO, age 24. I am walking in a country lane
near when I worked, and feel as if I am being watched. I look up between the
trees and see what appears to be a small black cigar-shaped object hovering
above me. I cannot tell how big it is because there is no reference point
behind it. I makes no noise but follows me for perhaps a half-hour before it
just flies off at an angle and disappears.
8. Ghosts, age 25. I am employed as a child care
worker and houseparent in an institution for “emotionally disturbed” children. It is an old institution,
established in Victorian times. It had initially been an Episcopalian orphanage.
It had been hit by a cholera or smallpox plague that killed almost all the
adults and children. The atmosphere of the institution, which was composed of
many “cottages” with up to twelve children, was scattered over many acres in a
birch and pine forest. I noticed that when I went outside at night, I felt
oppressed, even assaulted, by the darkness, as if something was literally
grabbing at my clothes and even shoving me. In fact it was frightening but I
didn’t know what it was. My wife actually saw figures in the dark and avoided
going outside at night. For a number of years I had been studying the occult as
well as Hindu philosophy and teachings. I had read that “ghosts” live on the
“astral (or emotional)” level and were attracted to people whose consciousness
was astral in nature. Interestingly, at that same time, I started meditating
with a Theosophical group, and was able to “elevate” myself to a “mental” level
and thus was able to develop a kind of “immunity” to the ghosts, or so I
thought. Then a number of events occurred that were very disturbing. First, in
broad daylight, I noticed approximately twenty people dressed in black
Victorian Episcopalian clothing standing at the edge of a meadow in the dark
shade of the forest. Then, one night our little apartment became very cold with
an inky smoke and my wife and I were visited by some very malevolent ghosts,
who I could not only feel but who materialized right in front of us. We were
terrified and had no idea what to do. Eventually they left. About this same
time, the young boys in my cottage were also being assaulted by the ghosts, who
came to their beds at night and pinched them as they materialized in front of
them. The boys would come to my room crying and terrified. My meditation had
worked but only a bit. I kept lights on for the kids and we decided that we
would “pray to Jesus” to protect us and make the ghosts go away. I told them to
tell the ghosts, “In the name of Jesus Christ, leave here and move on.” We
practiced over and over until they felt that they could follow through with it,
even if they were afraid. They were angry about what the ghosts were doing as
well. They called on Jesus to “stand with them,” told the ghosts where to go,
and it worked. None of us ever saw or felt another ghost around us again.
9. Ghost, age 25. I visited a friend in New
Bedford who lived in an old house where the wife of a whaling ship captain had
died. I was sleeping on the couch and noticed a woman leaning over me in the
dark. I thought it was my friend. I talked to her and then she just vanished.